Install Splashtop
Grab your Splashtop installer and click it to run it. Nothing will appear but it will install.
Run winetricks vcrun2015
to install a required redistributable.
Test Splashtop
Head into the wine prefix you set (normally ~/.wine
) and find the directory drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Splashtop/Splashtop Remote/Client for RMM/
Double click on clientoobe.exe
or run wine clientoobe.exe
In the window that opens click Options, open the Advanced tab, and change the renderer to Software.
Head into your RMM tool and get the link you would normally click to launch Splashtop. Copy this link and navigate in a terminal to the directory containing clientoobe.exe. Run
wine clientoobe.exe -a "linkyoucopied"
You should connect to the machine.
Create XDG association
The following instructions have only been tested on Ubuntu & Fedora
Create ~/.local/share/applications/st-rmm.desktop
with this content, replacing username
on the Exec= line with your username:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=wine "/home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Splashtop/Splashtop Remote/Client for RMM/clientoobe.exe" -a %u
Now open ~/.config/mimeapps.list
and make sure it includes these lines:
[Default Applications]
And finally run:
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications
Now you should be able to click your normal connect/remote access link in your browser of choice to hop in.